Cowtown Training Week 15

Cowtown Training Week 15

I’m still having some shin pain. I again skipped my shorter, weekday runs, but I stuck with my 2 Body Pump classes and my “long” run on Saturday. I decided to try running in compression socks, because they feel so good after my run. I’m really picky about how my socks feel when I run, so I was mentally prepared to go home after a mile or so and change socks if they annoyed me too much. I ended up doing 5.3 miles, with quite a bit of walking. That is way below the mileage I should be doing at this point in my training plan, but I would rather be underprepared than injure myself further. I have decided that if my shin feels up to it, I’m going to run my best 5K and just try to enjoy the half, without pressuring myself to finish in a certain time (except for the course limit!)

Mid-week, I decided my attempt at bullet journaling wasn’t working for me for running/health. I still use one for work, and that is working well for me. I decided to try the wellness extension for my Happy Planner and see how that works for me. Last year, I used the fitness extension for awhile, but I got to the point that one wasn’t working for me.

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